It is a useful Homeopathic Medicine for Gas, Flatulence, Indigestion, Bloated abdomen, distention of the abdomen, irritable bowel movements, Constipation, Colitis, and Gastritis & acidity
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Bhargava Gas Off Tablet, Stomach problems can cause pains and discomfort in the body as a whole. It is often caused by food poisoning, constipation, gastritis, acidity, Gas, diarrhoea, and indigestion. Get rid of stomach pains and discomfort by using Gas Off Tablets, and you'll see immediate results.
There's no sure way to determine if the food you want to eat is poisonous or not. Most of the time, you'll likely eat the available food, especially when you are extremely hungry, without thinking twice. This may cause stomach problems that can be mild or severe. However, it would be best you start using the Gas Off tablet to eliminate symptoms of stomach discomfort.
What are the Key Ingredients in Gas Off Tablets?
The key ingredients in this homoeopathic medicine are Aluminum Hydroxide, Carica Papaya, Magnesium Hydroxide, Bismuth Carbonicum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Natrum Bicarbonicum, and Sugar of milk base.
Benefits of Using Gas Off Tablets
Helps to increase appetite
Relieves bloating of the stomach
Useful for eliminating Gas
Enables easy passage of bowel from the intestines
Provides relief for bloated stomach
Helps to aid digestion
Relieves constipation
Relieves gastritis, acidity, and colitis
Provides relief for stomach pain, and heartburn
What are the Common Causes of Stomach Pain?
There is usually no cause for alarm if you feel a stomach ache after eating too much food at once; your body will create a balance with time. But once you notice symptoms that refuse to improve after taking medications, don't hesitate to use a homoeopathic remedy.
Here are the most common causes of stomach ache and pain;
1. Constipation
Not passing stool regularly or experiencing difficulties while doing it can cause pain. If you eat a lot and pass stool less than 3 times weekly, you may be experiencing constipation.
2. Gastritis
Stomach pain and nausea are the major symptoms of gastritis. Inflammation of the stomach lining causes it.
3.Stomach Flu
This is an infection of the stomach and the intestines, which causes pain. The symptoms you'll experience include cramps, diarrhoea, vomiting, and mild or severe stomach pain.
4. Acidity
Naturally, the stomach lining secretes gastric acid that enables food digestion. If your stomach produces too much acid, you may experience discomfort and pain.
5. Indigestion and Gas
Usually, indigestion and Gas is the symptom of an underlying problem. If you constantly feel fullness in your stomach and release Gas often, you may be experiencing indigestion.
Important Points about Using Gas off Tablets
Read the label carefully before use
Use the recommended dosage only
Store medicine in a cool place
Keep out of reach of children
Reduce dosage when your symptoms improve
The stomach is a delicate organ and is important to your general health and wellness. Eat healthy foods, drink enough water, sleep well, and most importantly, start taking Gas Off homoeopathic tablets to get rid of all stomach problems. A trial will surely convince you.
Gas Off Tablet (30 Tablets) are fast, safe and effective. There are no side effects and no known reactions with other drugs. In addition they are non-habit forming and have no contraindications.
It depends on the severity, duration of the symptoms and also how your body is responding to the medicine. Maximum use it for 8 weeks and you should see the positive effect.
It is wise to continue a lighter dose after the symptoms have passed. Generally, the longer you had the problem, the longer you should take this product after symptoms have passed. This will help assure a more complete recovery. This continued dosage can vary from 2 times a day to 2 times a week for a week to perhaps several months depending on the length and severity of the problem.
Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural and are absolutely safe to consume. These does not have any side effect.